Thursday, December 9, 2010

...where are WE?!!

Kebayoran Baru?!! Blok S (Senopati district)?!! Or Kemang?!!
OK…here’s the story the day before:

we’re actually planning for a rejuvenating spa day…and so, Zetti asked her Jakarta friend to recommend a spa place for us…we’re informed of the Kupu-kupu Spa located in Kemang…as the map of Indonesia is tidak membantu (we can’t locate where is Kemang), we tried on the digital kiosk at the hotel lobby…from there, we spotted 2 spa places: Delta Spa in Kebayoran Baru and Citra Ayu Spa in Kebayoran Lama (Pondok Indah Mall)…with map in hands plus confused faces, a gentleman approached us at the digital kiosk…

Bisa saya bantu enggak?

yeay…thank you…Kebayoran Baru is the place to go…and later, we’ll just stop at any spa place we see along the way…simple…

Day 4 (05/12/2010) – we took a cab and mentioned to the pengemudi to bring us to Kebayoran Baru…it turned out to be that Kebayoran Baru is a big province which consists of different districts (in our case, it’s either Blok R, Blok S or Blok M)…the division system is based on the ruling party…

Kasi tau nama jalannya udah…

Kami enggak tau nama jalannya pak…tapi bukan Blok M…bisa berenti saja di jalanan Kebayoran Baru…

the pengemudi stopped us at a cross junction between Blok R and Blok S…Blok R is Raden Fatah district while Blok S is Senopati district…

we trudged along Blok S (I guess) and spotted Awfully Chocolate outlet…we stopped and bought the signature 1kg moist ‘Only Chocolate’ cake…Zetti insisted the writings on the cake to read: Happy Holidays to Zetti, Aliza & Siti but it came out as ‘ Happy Birthday to Zetti, Aliza & Siti’…hahahahahahahaha…yeay…happy happy happy birthday to us…

after paying Rp.165000 for the cake, we asked the girl behind the counter if she knows any spa place nearby…and she suggested Roger’s which is located across the street from Emilie’s (a French cuisine restaurant next door)…

and guess what?!! Roger’s a yoga class OK…Zetti shook her head…and we laughed…

alhamdulillah, not so long after that, we did found a spa place – Tea Spa

If you are cold, TEA will warm you…
If you are too heated, it will cool you…
If you are depressed, it will cheer you…
If you are excited, it will calm you…
(WE Gladstone, 1865) – British Prime Minister

yeay…we had a good package deal (from top-to-toe pampering) with charges ranging from Rp.200000 until Rp.280000 maximum, which is equivalent to MYR70++…

Siti and me had the Perfect Contour Tea Treatment Package (Full Body Tea Aromatheraphy French Massage + Herbal Tea Body Scrub/Mask/ Wrap/Bath)…

Siti added on Face Massage plus Herbal Tea Hair Spa + Scalp Treatment and me added on Tea Reflexology Back + Shoulder Massage

Zetti chose White Glow Tea Milk Treatment Package (Full Body Tea Aromatheraphy Traditional Massage with Peppermint Oil + Tea Milk Body Scrub/Mask/Wrap/Bath)…and she added on Herbal Tea Hair Spa + Scalp Treatment too (same as Siti)…

our spa session consumed nearly 4 hours…since I added on extra massages, my turn for the steam machine was scheduled after Siti and Zetti’s…the machine became too hot right after Zetti’s session…so, I had my bath and they replaced my body steam to hair treatment…yeay…I got a full package afterall…

why I didn’t take the hair treatment earlier and only both of them opt for it? because I don’t need hair is short and cute and straight and ‘ketombe’less and seumpama dengannya…lalalalala…thank you to Yuli – my masseuse…I enjoyed my session…especially the bath (as Iris doesn’t have a bath tub, and so does my Klang house and Abie’s bathroom too)…

how I wished I had a small jacuzzi

ohh yaa...why am i asking where are we?!! because while sipping hot ginger tea served after my spa treatment, i found out that Tea Spa is located in Kemang at lot no 95 (this was written in a magazine called 'Gaya') and Kupu-kupu Spa is also nearby - in Kemang at lot no 17A (also written in the same magazine)...

the kisah is : a friend suggested us to go to Kemang - we can't locate Kemang on the map - we searched on the kiosk and found Kebayoran Baru - pengemudi dropped us at Blok S - we ended up confused -

now, tell me, where are WE getting our spa treatment?!!

need a serious improvement of the Jakarta map... 

we clocked out from Tea Spa around 3pm and spotted a silver Proton Saga BLM parked at the entrance…we took pictures…yes… and actually we did spot several other Malaysian car model – a red Perodua Myvi, a silver Proton Savvy, a black Proton Wira and several white Proton Persona used as a Tarif Bawah Express taxis

and there’s a big ads on Proton Persona with the tagline ‘Tampil Beda’…here, Proton Persona is called Putra Executive

we then walked a few blocks away searching for a makan place…we ended up at Rumah Makan Mang Kabayan(Khas Sunda & Hidangan Laut)…

here, we had plain rice served with Gurame Goreng Kering (the signature Sunda ‘Dancing Fish’) + Tumis Baby Kailan + Sop Ayam + Ayam Bakar + Ayam Goreng + Sambal Mangga Muda

and we ordered 3 different Es for drinks – Es Kelapa Jeruk (lime juice with young coconut slices), Es Campur (shaved ice topped with rose syrup and condensed milk plus pieces of pineapple, avocado, grassjelly, colourful jellies, young coconut slices and selasih seeds)and Es Spesial Mang Kabayan (shaved ice topped with rose syrup and condensed milk with different kinds of fermented glutinous rice – black and colourful and fermented tapioca)…and so far, this was the enakest makan we ever had…priced at Rp.183500…4.82 stars…

after lunch, we decided to head back to our hotel and refreshen up before evening shopping…and we also wanted to place our birthday cake inside the mini bar…

we set out again at 6pm to Semanggi Mall…there, we went up floor to floor…Zetti and Siti had a good bargain at the Polo Ralph Lauren Christmas fair…no $hopping for me (I promised F)…no CDs too for me…I went searching for an old track and several new singles but can’t found them here…we should have go to Ambassador Mall for CDs…had no time…

poor me…

Siti bought batik shirts for her brothers…

me buying for my brothers?!!! naaahhh, they won’t consider wearing it…

we went down back to the ground floor for kids wear and us wear too…Zetti buying for her kids and Siti for her kids…

my kids?!! my 3 nakals?!! oh noo…no $hopping, right?

I was obedient and very disciplined…but, I surrendered to a cute T-shirt with printed ‘Damn, I LOVE milk very much’…bought this for Afnanku…

and later, Siti bought dresses for herself and Zetti too – a stunning, red one and a few more as we stopped whenever we passed by Obral for Rp.25000 s/d Rp.50000

oo oo…what happened to me?!! yaa, right…soooo sorry F…I got myself 3 dresses…

only 3, OK

a navy blue with orange polka dots – Rp.35000, a fancy,rainbowly-coloured all around torn tunic – Rp.60000 and a semi-velvety dark violet blouse – Rp.40000…

at 9pm, we found ourselves settled at Liquid Coffee…Zetti had a hot Caramel Latte and Siti had a hot Hazelnut Latte…I wanted to have a Black Coffee but they don’t have it…

apelaa kedai kopi neh?!! tak ade Kopi ‘O’, macam mane boleh ade kopi-kopi lain?!!

so, I sipped Passion Fruit Black Tea…

merajuk OK, tak mintak kopi, mintak teh terus…and, tak sedap…banned laa this warkop…

best coffee – Gloria Jean’s and Kopitiam Level 4 KLCC…

we arrived at our hotel around 1030pm and we bought pastries at the hotel lobby…soooo cheap…only Rp.8250 including tax for 3 pieces which is equivalent to MYR 0.70 per piece…

keycard problem?!! not anymore…yeay…

although the coffee were not that nice, but it kept Zetti and Siti awake…the three of us watched a Jackie Chan movie that night…and I had my dose of our tempting Awfully Chocolate birthday cake – I ate a big slice of my name…yummy yummylicious…

we slepzZzzt at 2am…3rd day Jakarta overall rating – Oklaa, 4.1 stars now…


miss tito said...

gambar mane? nk tgkk

~Am said... love spa!!