that's why i'm extra happy the whole of last week...
1. happy message from my doctor
3. happy seeing Button during lunch
4. fifty-fifty happy attending Rock Properties course
5. happy e-mails
6. happy phonecalls
7. happy chats
8. happy shopping with mama
9. happy early birthday present
10. happy balik kampung
11. happy spending
12. happy travel
13. happy diet
most importantly, happy in loving ME to the max!!yeay...
that should be the way. happy dgn bersyukur dgn apa yg ada.
Hoyeah, da dapat your custom-made lenses eh?
Happy for u too!
aliza,kalu ko hepi, aku hepi jgk...hepi tgk ko hepi..miss u lah aliza!!!!
pamina - yupp...yupp...alhamdulillah...
farah - yeay...saye melihat dengan jelas sekrg...
intan - miss u too ;)
hoh? dah2 la tu senyum.. g wat kije nuhh
white frame.. cool =)
meeting Button... sooo cool!
harni - still grinning from ear to ear...heee ;)
diba -, huh!
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