Tuesday, July 1, 2008

time stress

actually i'm planning to update my blog once i've presented my IP...that is tentatively on 16/07/08...

i've been dedicated my whole time here reviewing and reviewing and reviewing journals...

the more i read, the more confused i became...

this has led to time stress...

time stress here refers to my behavior in coping with the deadline...or is it dateline?

i tried to utilize my time by going with the flow...i count the days, progressing one step at a time...and yet, because there is no significant improvement, my motivation has dropped slightly...

now, my strategy is to save myself from being killed during the presentation...

i've realised that my IP objectives cannot be met...

i've only 14 days before the final report submission...minus weekends, it means 10 days only...

i'm planning to frequently meet with my co-supervisor...

however, she's also busy...

this week, our meeting will be on Thursday...

this means, i'll be only given 5 days next week to show some enthusiasm...

currently, i'm at the loose end...

ya Allah...

i'm hoping for some miracles...

hopefully my IP is acceptable...

again, time stress - i don't really bother with it now...

some people might hope that they have more time to fix things as in my case...

but the truth is, i wish that the time flies sooner so that i am free from the said stress...

i don't know exactly why i don't care much about my IP...

perhaps because i don't really like the topic...

i just want to pass...

that's all really matters...


the girl said...

hang in there. reading your posts reminded me of my experience of doing IP in UTP in this bloody masters programme and having to deal with UTP staff. i tell you thinking about it makes me feel suicidal.

but it will work out in the end. just dont do your phd there. good luck!

kejora said...

pamina - thanx! feel very glad indeed...i will survive...yeah