Wednesday, November 24, 2010

...i value differently...i value LOVE...

That’s how I came about to act my stubborn way…

Not saying that I’m right, I just feel right…

Ergo, it’s right for me…And, that’s it…it is LOVE

Friend 1 [E] : agree with your life’s cruel philosophy…thanks…slaughter camels and horses last Eid?!! Hahaha *tetibe…my say: soooo happy when I’m carefree…but, I can’t be carefree when I can’t “care”not…

Friend 2 [M] : agree with jangan terlalu meminta apa yang bukan hak…my say: I vow to always have my faith and be thankful at most in receiving His gift of LOVE…insyaAllah…

Friend 3 [B] : jambatanku panjang lagi…and your answer to me: tp kalu ramai orang lalu, boleh jadi pendek jambatan tu…my say: takmo bia orang lalu, x suke sesak2 ni…and I blame myself even more so…Ya Allah, sungguhlah akurkan diriku dalam keredhaan…tetapkan pendirianku bilamana tidakku dalam kerugian…

Friend 4 [N] : nanges laa nanti ko lega…agree temporarily…my say: when you’ve experienced many “losses”, cry or no cry doesn’t differ much…Allah knows best…

Friend 5 [T] : blog ko ni byk sgt metaphor…did you actually apply them?!! my say: taklaa…tp aku jujur…which is good – ku punya perasaan…aku hambaNya – punya banyak kekurangan…bisa dibaiki sehabis baik…

Friend 6 [F] : kite br. Bace email awak…Xtau nak advice ape…anyway, b strong n keep berdoa for d best k…my say: then don’t…take the latter…Allah sayang diriku, maka wujudlah kamu dan aku dan orang-orang lain…

Friend 7 [H] : it doesn’t kill me, yup, it definitely makes me stronger…my say: dah sayang tu, ngaku je laa sayang…no harm to me…aku dah silap – mintalah maaf…

Aliza sayang kawan-kawan Aliza J

Aliza will learn and learn and learn…

Aliza will LOVE even more…

Currently read: Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck
Currently listening to: Aku Sakit by Wali Band

Futnut: alhamdulillah Iris sihat…updates in December (buat yang bertanya) – I have my “ideal” persona syndrome…discussed it later, OK…

and some more interesting happenings to look forward to – my Year End Cuti-Cuti to Jakarta, my promised polo tee – thanks from Honda survey, my Malakoff 12km run, my Sohabat9600’s reunion (gonna miss it sadly, but spare me my memorabilia OK), my PCG shares…

other than that – my health and my work: in control…

Aliza always in LOVE…thank you Allah… I LOVE YOU!!!


zarith said...


|| a - j . E . E || said...

sayang kamu jugak.. hehehe sebab sayang, kene buat tag nih tau... hihi kene kan?

kejora said...

zarith - rindu kamu...

ajee - insyaAllah...akan kite jenguk nanti...