Sunday, October 17, 2010

...the joy of mengapit...

saya sukaaaaa....

saya cantikkk.......

thanks a bunch to Farah and Fendi...

a great honor...truly...

love both of you to bits...

my 1st mengapit story - in Grik --> tried my every might to recall but i've lost the link to that post (wayyyyy back in 2006) should be a Blogger account too (the one before I switched to Friendster's and I changed my mind again...)

hurmmm...anyway, at that time - it was lovely Asni's (the very first Sohabat 9600's wedding)...
she's wearing Red and i'm in Purple - a weird combination....hahahahaha...and bestman in Green...but, wedding in kampung is sooo different as compared to bandaran wedding...i'm referring to the type of very ulu kampung like Asni's whoever has come to Grik, then you'll know...we had no proper water supply...and we had to do all chores with the 'bukit' water...

hey, I enjoy every moment of it...we did everything...ourselves...everything consists of many many many things...including best cooking....

lauk kampung OK....we had 'umbut' pisang as the main dishes...and ikan sungai....
Bearbear, still remember?!!

and no fancy canopies here....we had bangku kuda2 and long tables aligned...and to arrive to the wedding event, people had to riskily parked their vehicles by the roadside and climbed up the hillslope...high heels?!! definitely, a NO NO...

next mengapit story is here --> Abieku kawen

about 4.5 months before Abie's big day, me laying on bed 14C, Teluk Intan GH's ladies' ward:

tak kire ape pun terjadi, aku pengapit kau tau Abie

thanks for rushing to the scene...will never forget that...(Abie and fiancee Adip, Beebee, Suzie, Azwa and Farah Hannan) <-- and korang sume dh kawen dh sekrg....except for my Bee is soon-a-bride-to-be...silelah doakan saya....aminn... yeay...and we survived...Allah loves me...i recovered time... finally, kisah Farah... in early August: Aliza, jadilah pengapit aku

whoaaaaa....mane ko kenal aku ni?!! hehe...

yess...terime kasih...hatiku besar sangat...aku pakai kaler ape?

mestilaa aku biar ko pilih kaler ko suke

baby pink pink...yeay...

alright dear, aku pakai grey silver ngan pink jugak...

and so, i just realized me and Farah had soooooo a long long memory...

we've been friends in UTP...we're chemyan...

we're comics freak - used to read Budak Getah, Hunter X Hunter...ingat Luffy tak Farah?!!

and we love Japanese dramas - time tu laa...we love Takuya Kimura...and many many others...and we listen to SMAP...Abie, me, you and room is full of japanese VCDs - even rent it out to UTPians (kadar RM1 per day - gile baik aku ni)...and bilik gile Abie and me ade poster besar Taku and GTO...huahuahua...tak boleh blah...

and in UTP also, Farah mendengar rentetan kisah semberono aku ngan #2 a.k.a. Abah (dh kawen sekrg tp baik la ngan saya sampai sekrg) heart feeling...skandal tuh...jumpe pun time Farah nikah...hehe...ade gak main2 time Mai....Mai, aku dh bgtau kau ni....ya ampunn...hehe...Aliza memang sweet lah...Abah pun sweet gak...'Better Man'...nyanyi tuh dlm hujan time me tgh marah...

and then, came the time we're in the same group for FYPDP - Final Year Plant Design Project...our leader is Daud - menguji kesabaran tahap Gaban...and we had Nhung also in our team of 4 members...alhamdulillah, we had 2 perfectionist planners - Farah dan sayalah kann...and guess who's our main advisor - Dr Hilmi tuuu....aiyaa...that time, he was our faculty's head...every week laa kan nk meeting...Farah and me aced our was a 6-credits course (apsal laa degree lain FYP dieorg 4-credits je: ini diriku tak faham)....Farah and me got A...Nhung and Daud, i wished them well...ku kejam kot kasi assessment kat dieorg....alamak, blom mintak maaf lagi....tapinye, itu kejujuran saya pada ketika itu...

Farah and me suka menyanyi...Farah suaranya sedap...Aliza pulak tau banyak lagu...ada rupanya gambar kami mengonquer karok di rumah Yus...CikYus ingat tak?!! sile jangan kasi mic kepada Farah dan Aliza...sampai abes laa tak tukar tangan orang lain...tapinye, CikYus pun same....gile nyanyi...

maka dengan ini, itulah Allah jodohkan diriku menjadi pengapitmu - aku dah apit ko sekian lame rupenye...will love you always...insyaAllah...

ooo...satu lagi yang mungkin ramai tak tau...Farah laa tukang balut buku-buku ilmiah saya...tiap2 semester OK...dan, buku2 saya bukannya sikit...Farah....sekarang ku balut sendiri...huhuhu...and kubalutkan juge buku hadiah utk sahabat kite tu...

feedback semalam:

sape pilih lagu-lagu ni?!!

mestilah Farah and aku...

hoho...padanlaa gile retro rock lame2...

biaselah...ku watak utama... (siyesly, saya cantikkk semalam)
sedap ko makan ekk...

iye saye...
mengangkat tangan memanggil dayang2 meja santapan dengan jari comelku terarah ke pingganku yg agak2 hampir licin...

akak nak clearkan ke?!!

ehh, tak, saye nak nasi tambah ni... (sebabnye pengantin punye dh clear)

eeeiii...akulaa pengapit paling carefree...

terime kasih Farah sebab jadi kawan aku...


Unknown said...

aliza..aku yang kne terima kasih sbb ko sudi jadi pengapit aku...bersengkang mate and menenangkan aku di kala aku menggelabah hehehe...thanx for the flashback as well...bring back all the memories...aku ngn husband mmg berterima kasih yg tak terhingga..n i think ko tertinggal kain telekung kat umah aku kot (ker tu aku nyer?)...thanx as well for the huge hadiah..hahaha...byk nyer nak thanx...but the most important thing...aku tak rase aku boleh handle the situation n survive without u during my wedding..WE will treasure it for the whole of OUR life...don't forget that i always regard u as one of my good frens.thanx a lot dear...

kejora said...

ehh...tidak...itu telekung of luck di penang pulak ye...