last monday evening while i was busy reading some journals, my mama (in the garden) yelled at me, "Ja...Ohh...Ja...Maghi tubik luar nih..."
i shouted back, "Hhorr...Go dio Ma?!Meta...Meta..."
i quickly rushed to the scene and found my mama beamed with pride...
she pointed at her waterlily plant and said, "Cubo mung tengok nih...Waterlily mama tubik bungo doh!"
looking at mama's direction, i saw a great pink waterlily bud...whoaa!
my mama later was saying, "Sede molek nih pagi esok ngembe laa bungo dio...Buleh laa mung puko gamba come..."
what i saw early tuesday morning was really amazing...all the pink petals have blossomed into a lovely waterlily flower... here's a close-up picture...nice and pretty, isn't it?!
according to my mama, this wonderful flower will only lasts for three-days maximum...
owh..yeah?! let's, today i went to have a peek at my mama's waterlily flower and here are the results...the lovely pink petals have already fell to the 'tempayan' below...
and the flower becomes naked...
a close-up picture of the naked flower...still looks nice to me...
my mama's waterlily plant is almost 5 years old now and i don't know how many times it has produced such magnificent flower...i salute my mama for her patience and tender loving care has given me the opportunity to witness this rare beautiful Allah's creation...
when asked on the next flower to come, my mama replied,"Kalu wak molek, duo tigo bule lagi adolah pulok..."
that's the story of my mama and her! i can't even properly took care of even a small cactus...huhuhu...
to jemi, if you're reading this - hepi besday to you!
*i speak thick accent of Kelantanese dialect at home but towards others, i 'kecek luar'...