-Accepts you as you are-
-Believe in having fun-
-Cherish time together-
-Dream big dreams-
-Enrich, comfort and delight-
-Follow up and follow through-
-Grow forever memories-
-Honor each other's feelings-
-Invite you into their hearts-
-Just call to say, "How are you?"-
-Know when something's up-
-Love you, no matter what-
-Multiply joys and divide sorrows-
-Nurture each other's souls-
-Overcome adversity together-
-Pick you up when you are down-
-Quickly forgive and make up-
-Remind you of your greatness-
-Smile when they think of you-
-Thrive on shared trust-
-Understand when to 'just listen'-
-Value time together-
-Walk with you, side by side-
-Xperience ups and downs-
-Yearn to stay connected-
-Zest to live, love and laugh-
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