Monday, October 25, 2010

...kenape U kurang ajar sangat?!!...

that accusation makes me shed my tears at Abie upon returning to claim Laura before we headed to USV Police Station to lodge our report...

the story (my side):

after heated arguments and (obviously) no one would sided up with this arrogant, Not-Nice-Guy (N2G), he then pointed his right index finger at my nose and yelled out:

Buat ape I nak bayar?!! Kenape U kurang ajar sangat?!! U kurang ajar dulu. U tampar cermin kereta I.

yess, you heard me...i mean, all of you read as I actually "slapped" that N2G's car window...
on one fine, Sunday evening - all Abie, Afnan and me wanted were just to have a happy dinner at the new Emp Plaza...we decided to go there as it will be our first time visiting there...ah, well - just to check out new hangout places...

we expected crowds (Sunday evening kan?!!) and so the parking hunt will be challenging...yeay...fine...

alhamdulillah, we spotted a parking spot...

ultimate parking ethics: give signal so that people notice that you've already 'chup' that spot - DONE!

Abie then reversed Laura to give way for the previous car parker to move, and we waited at the side...

suddenly, this N2G's car came and overtook our spotted parking...

Die tak nampak kot...Biar aku turun cakap...

I left Laura and went to tap that N2G's car window...I tapped (as knock knock) not "slapped" and using simple sign language, I try indicating this N2G that we've been waiting and I would like to claim our 'chup' spot, so, would you please reverse back your car?!!

this arrogant N2G not even acknowledge my presence and he just ignored me...N2G remained in his car together with 2 other ladies and a child...

feeling such a waste of time arguing with typical rude, uncivilised people, I went back and returned inside Laura...I was about to suggesting Abie in finding another parking space...when...

out of nowhere, that N2G came running and gave a hard, one-time front kick at Laura's LH side mirror...Laura's LH side mirror was immediately broken and tossed lifeless at the side...Not enough with that, this N2G went further to kick once more at the front bumper while cursing ugly words...I can't really decipher them as we're quite shocked upon his aggressiveness...

luckily, Afnan (who sat in his car seat didn't have any trauma - Abie and me hope so...insyaAllah)...Afnan at the time was still busy with WordWorld and his bottle of milk (a fresh one I made while we were parking hunt)...sungguh laa t*lol N2G ini...

Abie quickly stopped Laura next to that N2G's car and went out to confront him...By this time, a security guard came as our witness...I stayed inside Laura calming Afnan and watched the whole scene...The N2G was 'menegakkan benang basah'...

As Afnan already finishes his milk, Abie went to fetch him out...Feeling that Laura was blocking others, I took hold of her and went to park a little bit up ahead (Abie was still arguing with N2G, 2 more security guards came and one of the ladies came out trying to get hold of N2G telling him to 'Sudahlah, sudahlah')

Next thing I know, that N2G went inside his car, reversed it and headed to the 'Exit'...

I went to where Abie and Afnan and others...

Ape die cakap, Bie?!!

Ape ko bole buat?!! Repotlah polis...Dieorang takkan bole buat ape punye...
Aku cakap laa kat die - Hey, bende ni takkan jadi kes polis kalau kau tak sepak sidemirror aku...

And hey, why bother to escape?!! Come on laa, be a man!!!

We gave the N2G car details to the many security guards...

Alhamdulillah, they managed to get hold of that N2G at the 'Exit' route...
We parked Laura just behind that N2G's car...

and this time, I followed Abie to face this N2G...this was where that N2G blamed me as 'kurang ajar' (please scroll back up if you lost track)...

with that, together we went to USV Police Station...thanks Farah for guiding us...N2G seemed to be running away...
at the USV Police Station, N2G excused himself telling that he wanted to send his family back home and will return to lodge his own report later...we went through all the necessary procedures...

and guess what, since the event location is classified under different areas of coverage, we were told that we need to shift our case to SV Police Station...

and why can't you people just transfer the report online?!

Prosedurnye memang macam ni Cik...

(aduh...s*ngalnye sistem...aku bayar cukai tau...)

Angah came to the rescue and we gave Afnan to be brought home...thanks Angah...
and once again, we called Farah for direction to SV Police Station...

at SV Police Station, a cop escorted us directly to meet Tuan M...again, we recorded our report...

we then need to wait for Laura's damage to be captured by the assigned police photographer...outside was raining quite heavily...we have to wait for that, first...
all in all, it took us 3.5 hours to settle the matter (from 7pm until 1030pm)...

hungry?!! yupp...we were already bloated by then...we went around and found ourselves lining at SS McD's Drive-Thru...

Abie had her Iced Milo and Fries...I just love my Chocolate Hot Fudge Sundae...

we reached our home safely at midnight...alhamdulillah...
tomorrow, already...(bile aku nak tido ni?!!)

Abie will have to EL...and I actually signed up for a class (thus, in accidentally, I've excused myself to be MIA once in a while)...

ohh, what a day...we'll be sending Afnan to Raniya...and get Laura settle down...

doakan same-same OK...thank you all :)


|| a - j . E . E || said...

isk N2G tuh kurang ajar sangat. nak cover salah la tuh. sian u sebab kene macam tu dengan dia. cepat2 la Laura sembuh :D

zhu m said...

i dont believe you slapped the car. org malaysia - i tend to believe they are the ones who are rude.

Anonymous said...

aliza....cerita kita lebeh kurang tapi ko punyer jantan lagi kurang ajar..
huhu..kalo aku berada di tempat kejadian sure gaduh lagi laahh

heheheh...but i know u...will never do that

from P

zarith said...

pip... betul tu..
buruk perangai betul. dahla ada anak bini dalam kete. contoh tak baik sungguh

kejora said...

girl - N2G dan ramai lagi tak takut ngan polis negara kita

zu and pah - iye...iye...brape sangat laa tahap ganas diriku?!! me pun konpius...aisehh...

zarith - bak yang kurase - N2G itu perlu ditolong sebabnye die Tolong Oiii Letaknye Otakku di Lutut (t*lol)...

ShawnSharif said...

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemeh2 aku nak tumbuk mangkuk tu kasi patah riuk ingat orang takut ke... tak jantan langsung...................... pantang sungguh la jantan camni...... aku post kat blog aku, ko nak forward ke rockybru & geng tak? bak meh dia nye no plate jom sebar2 kan!

Teefa Rosly said...

OMG! aku naik hangin satu badan bace entry ko kali ni.. biadap sungguh mamat tu!ni la samseng jalan raye sbenar..

liza, nasib baik korg okay. itu yg penting..

citrus_medica said...

geram sey baca neh!!
meh sini no plate kereta dia aliza.
ada gamab muke N2G neh lg best..
post dlm FB or Blog terus~
jumpe kete dia kasi calar!!

Hana_Nana said...

aliza,aku traumaaa.(sebab aku slalu drive alone and bende itu so far blom penah jadi kat aku...) takut seyh..mangkuk tandas punye orang!

kejora said...

shon, limau, teefa and hana - sabar...hehe...ade hikmahnye ni...ku dan Abieku akan berjuang...tapi siyes, memang scary...