Saturday, February 27, 2010

...gila bayang itu hukumnya harus...

home hunting is my newest enthusiasm...this shall keep me busy for quite sometimes's the phase of life in which i feel it's about time i ought to have a quality living on my own...i need my space...i'm currently eyeing on cozy apartment or condominium located either in Setapak or Ampang develop properties don't interest me much as i'm planning to move out from No14 at this very year...i'm praying for the best to come...aminn...

last monday, i had a quite stressful day at work...half of DGAs went holidaying in Krabi...huuu~~~Abie went to Oman for business trip...and i can't go makan with Beebee...she had her busy time too :(

there went my boring monday morning...mengade me?!!oh yess...i did asked on S's well being via instant messages...

no reply in the morning - my hati perempuan was wondering: am i matter to S?

i kept my nerves at bay...later at around 3pm, S replied asking what's with my odd question...i explained that if i turn to care for others' problems, eventually they will ease me from mine...

getting my points across, S shared his day...i poured a little of my unhappiness - and jokingly asked for S's favour to set them free at the ocean...(S's department will be having a teambuilding session the day after in PD)

S laughed it off and started reminding me of the Hereafter getting nearer...i was dumbstrucked for seconds and i answered back in agreement...S then advised me on being patience...his advice calmed me...i love hearing them...i related it to a story i've read:

there was once a sahabat asked our prophet Muhammad (pbuh) for advice...and he answered with just two words: Jangan Marah (in Arabic)...again, this sahabat asked for advice from him...he replied back with the exact two words also: Jangan Marah (in Arabic)...i like this story for it teaches us to be patient by keeping our anger...

and i think i've given the same advice to S...maybe twice...because sometimes i feel S is garang...of course laa he'll be denying...

OK...back to S's conversation with me...i ended them wishing S to relax during his teambuilding session; not worrying as i can be patient with my problems...and so can he with his...insyaAllah...

then, the whole of last week went by with 'kurang teman bicara' mode...haha...

anyway,i still had my good time kain shopping with Azwa & Pipah...they lured me for 'just seeing' trip to Abang Hadi's house...hey...come on can i be 'just seeing'?!!now, i got myself 3 more kain pasang...we had a good bargain...thank you...and i even purchased a blouse for Mama...

ohh...and next thing was, my roomie came back from her honeymoon...she had her time at No14 packing her stuffs...on wednesday night, we went together to her new resident in Bukit far la Ujie...wish you well my dear...

finally thursday came - last working day of the week...yeay...still the same boring day - i've concluded most of my short term job assignments...and it's time for PPA...i don't like this :(

in the evening, i received a text from Beebee of her return from the teambuilding session...S must be really tired and i don't want to kacau him...

when do i kacau S? hehe...on friday afternoon...

i texted S asking about his teambuilding session and jumped to my query on some matters...S provided his feedback and i asked another different question...this time, he didn't sure of the answer...i made him share the answer if we ever find it later and i wished S a happy recovery for he hurt himself a little during paintball time...

after Asar prayer, i sat down with Mama discussing things and i asked the very same question to Mama...Mama gave me three books...i tried to search for the answer but to no avail...

instead, i came across a different topic...something that interest goes:

Soalan: Apakah hukumnya seorang perempuan meminati seorang lelaki sedangkan lelaki itu tidak mengetahuinya?

Jawapan: Seseorang perempuan kalau meminati seseorang lelaki kerana kesolehan dan kebaikannya adalah dituntut dan hukumnya harus dalam Islam.Begitulah juga dengan seseorang meminati pemimpinnya yang soleh dan taqwa.Meminati di sini dalam ertikata mahu mencontohi ibadah-ibadahnya dan tingkah lakunya.

Sehubungan dengan itu kalau seorang perempuan meminati seorang lelaki soleh dengan hajat ingin berkahwin dengannya sudah tentu ini digalakkan malah ia merupakan langkah yang baik. Kalau sudah berkenan di hati, segeralah berterus-terang dan minta dia meminang.

Kalau meminati lelaki yang kurang dikenali kesolehannya lebih-lebih lagi yang jelas berperangai buruk, maka hal begini amatlah dilarang oleh Islam. Lelaki yang bakal menjadi suami mestilah orang yang lebih baik Islamnya daripada isterinya, ini kerana suami sebagai ketua yang akan bertanggungjawab mendidik isterinya itu.

Selain itu, kalau seorang perempuan meminati seorang lelaki untuk suka-suka saja tanpa ada keinginan hendak berkahwin dengannya adalah haram kerana ia akan membuka jalan-jalan maksiat.

Soalan: Bagaimana bentuknya yang dikatakan seorang lelaki dengan perempuan yang bercinta kerana Allah?

Jawapan: Percintaan kerana Allah bererti berlaku percintaan di antara dua insan kerana perintah Allah.Tiada berlaku dalam percintaan itu perbuatan maksiat sama ada kecil mahupun besar.Di sini dihuraikan apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan kerana perintah Allah itu.

Kita kena ingat bahawa Allah perintahkan kita supaya mengasihi orang yang lebih mulia daripada kita, menghormati orang yang beriman dan bertaqwa, membantu orang susah, menolong orang yang memerlukan pertolongan dan banyak lagi kerja-kerja kebajikan yang lain.

Jadi, kalau berlaku percintaan di antara dua insan itu hendaklah di atas dasar perintah Allah tadi. Ertinya, kalau seorang perempuan mencintai seorang lelaki hendaklah kerana ilmunya, akhlaknya, imannya dan Islamnya. Begitu juga lelaki, kalau mencintai perempuan hendaklah kerana mahu menyelamatkannya atau membelanya dari penderitaan yang ditanggung.

Percintaan yang murni adalah percintaan yang tidak didalangi nafsu syahwat. Mereka yang seperti ini tidak terbabit dengan pertemuan haram (khalwat), tiada perhubungan sulit dan tidak akan melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan haram yang lain. Mereka yang bercinta seperti ini sentiasa mahu disegerakan berkahwin untuk mengelakkan maksiat dalam bentuk apa pun. Setelah berkahwin percintaan tersebut disuburkan lagi, dipupuk, dibelai hingga kekal sepanjang hayat.

Soalan: Saya sehingga sekarang masih belum berkahwin. Kawan-kawan sebaya sering bertanya dan ini merunsingkan.

Jawapan: Soal lambat kahwin bukan soal kita, manusia mana yang tidak mahu berkahwin dan manusia mana pula yang hendak kahwin lambat.Kahwin adalah fitrah semua orang, semua hendak berkahwin. Cepat atau lambat bergantung kepada apa yang ditakdirkan Allah.Semuanya tersembunyi hikmat-hikmat tersendiri.

Jodoh tidak datang begitu mudah tanpa diusahakan. Oleh kerana kita tidak tahu siapa jodoh kita, maka beberapa usaha bolehlah dibuat. Di antaranya:

  • Sembahyang hajat minta Allah ketemukan dengan orang yang soleh
  • Minta ibu bapa carikan
  • Minta bantuan orang tertentu yang amanah
  • Setelah ada pilihan, sembahyanglah Istikharah untuk meminta pilihan tepat dari Allah
  • Setelah pasti orangnya, hantarlah rombongan meminang
Kawan-kawan sepatutnya membantu mencarikan.Begitulah kawan yang baik.Umat Islam perlu memerlu dalam semua hal.

S, sudi tak bimbing Liza ke syurgaNya?

Mama said to me not to put much will come naturally easy...we can't foresee men...

but, gila bayang itu harus...ahakksss...

friends, do pray for our happiness...that will just do...thanks :)
will appreciate that...insyaAllah...aminn...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

...if being sick bringing smiles, i am happy living it...

huhuhu...a comment from adiba in the previous entry: cerite korea ye..(hehe, more than that laa - ini kisah CinderLIZA)

actually, i've been keeping a lot to myself...bits of little little precious moments (meaningful & special to me at the point of time they were happening), i want to remember...eventually, those are parts of my life...and S...

recently, i went for a free medical check-up organized by GHSE...i was offered basic examination plus blood test analysis...i've lost 2kgs since my 1 1/2 months jog session...yeay...4kgs more to lose, please...

and my blood test results finally was released on Wednesday...i am considered an average healthy adult...something that needs attention is my high uric acid is far beyond the threshold limit...i was diagnosed with hiperuricemia...

i addressed this through my social network account and received caring notes from friends...including S...

erkk, sakit ape?!!

at one time, i was hurt when i got a remark from S saying my illness is of minor...S was sorry and i got his point of trying to comfort me by saying that he got even bigger health problem...

S: cehh...tinggi asid jek...
me: (terase)
S: sy ade high BP...sorry aa kalu terase...

what happens next was that - now, i'm the one who's worried that S now became terase with me...

i was quite curious that morning of S being caring...he's nice but never express it publicly...this is a progress...haha...dush...i'm over analyzing...again...

OK, back to the story...
because of my curiosity, i then viewed S's page and was strucked at his status notes...somebody had actually label S as a less brain...ohh...poor S...

and i knew that S surely had a bad day...i comforted S via instant messages messages reached him...i know...

S resumed back...S even gave good nutritional advice...regardless of where he sourced that out, that was an effort...over analyzing...again...yess...i love it OK...

the truth is, my dear S, i've long known that you had high BP...way back before we went to Genting...that has never bothered me...both my parents had it too...mine is a mild one...having normal BP on the high side...

i've other lackings too...i've survived a near death experience...i've undergone 2, am adjusting to different diet...that's why i'm holding on...i suppress my feelings...

but, i treasure life more and more...

and it's just there when i want to care for someone...someone like S...

recalling in July, S was hospitalized outside Malaysia...i was worried back then...but, i didn't do much...that was the time i was told by F - S once said we have no chemistry...

S even had a minor surgery (this one was in Malaysia)...i cared too...maybe a little concern...because we're friends...

that was cerita lama...i've no regrets...done my part...
it was then my time of having glaucoma...

after convocation ceremony, i went for my first surgery on my left eye...2 months recovery period until September...

next thing is - surgery on my right eye in middle of October which brought me to another 2 months recovery period until early December...

i guess everything happens for a reason...we never know...

deep down, i know i've become better in many subjects...i love even more...hanya Allah yang tahu...

over the time,i've felt the comfort...i now can turn to S for ngadu sakit...hahaha...something i don't consider to so many others... little by little, i found my trust in S...and i like it when he cares back...a little...i don't ask much...alhamdulillah...

ohh...talking about my no expectation of me and S... i just can't seem to resist my voices of the heart...

i will know my limit...insyaAllah...

and only He knows...and i trust Him in loving me and S...

Monday, February 15, 2010 happiness...

is totally indescribable...

i seek for it everytime...

today, i got a feeling this is a good time to write...i just feel wonderful...from my heart, i know in the next few lines, they are all pure expressions from me...

i currently read '7 things to talk about'...finished one chapter last's a moderate reading...hence, i should balance out with a lighter book - will pick 'Lasykar Pelangi'...huuu...

i went to 2 friends' wedding receptions - both in Pontian...i love weddings...Ujie and Hana - congratulations to both of you and dear husbands...

in the middle of the 2 occasions (one occurring on 13 Feb while the other on 14 Feb), i've got a chance for a nature escape to Taman Negara Tanjung Piai together with Shon and was a refreshing moment for the three of us...calming...ohh....considering our day-to-day hectic KL life...seeing monkeys and 'belacak' and molluscs...ohh what a bliss...smelling the mud of mangrove forests...even the sampans and perahus made me over excited...hahaha...'s the title entry...

last Tuesday, something struck made me down the whole day...i was wrecked...

i was told that i was not moving on...

true in a sense that i've never think on the other perspective...being me, i analyzed and took positive way out (on almost everything)...this manner exhausted some points...

i cried several times that day...i was sad...

luckily, Allah did send pretty angels...Abie, Yulie, Bearbear, Mas and even Beebee (jarak di antara kita...beribu batuu~~~rindu pada kamuuu~~)...

what happen was i finally open up/back my heart...and this leads to longing and hope and expectation...i created is an illusion...and it was bad for my soul...i become dependent...

what is worse - i am hoping and leaning at something invisible and beyond my my wise Abie said to me: "ko tak jumpe pun, ko boleh suke, parah nehh..."

nearly 2 months OK - me and my 'sandaran'...seems unrealistic (to most sane people)...but, saya ialah mistake...

my sweethearts are grateful when i'm finally opening up...a good step...yess...

but, if it's only me and my stubbornness - that is, my sweethearts are worried of me getting myself...

after a while, i'm back to my ultimate lover, Allah the Almighty...with Him, i corrected my intention...i completely surrendered to Him...insyaAllah...He calms me now...

i still open my heart...and my desire to halfly fulfill my religion is there...with His blessings, He shall rejoin me with His lover to guide me to His Jannah...insyaAllah...aminn...

p/s: S and expectations... a good feeling there is...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

...S noticed me...


yup...he did noticed laa...S noticed Ryan....which eventually signalling that he noticed me...betul?!!

3 days ago...

or am i being over-analysing?!!

please knock my head...
dush 3x

still, that simple thing brighten my days (days OK - i'm just happy and happy)...

OK, i'll let you guys analyze...

it happened along Jalan Semarak, in the traffic after Friday evening office hours...

my SMS to S: Salam, hey, i saw Ipin (S's CITY) juz now, tp S x kenal Ryan ek,

his reply to me 15 minutes later: Hehe. X bape sure td. Tp rasenye dh btul.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

...reality check - the tale of S and me...'s much easier when you're accepting no expectations...

i care for no reason...i don't need one...

ohh...i'm in my alone time mode now...

start to grasp the wonder of it...

i heal quickly...praise to Allah the Almighty...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

...aku pelangi...

ku selalu di hati
membuai rayumu
hiasi dunia sepimu
seukir senyuman dariku
menggegar mayamu
kau segalanya bagiku

takkan setia takkan kembali
bawa dirimu dan tinggalkan ku
ke matamu lihatlah diriku

aku pelangi yang dinanti

ku sinar cahayamu
disaat indahmu juga waktu resahmu
ku lukisan imaginmu
kini kau membisu setelah ku tiada

takkan setia takkan kembali
bawa dirimu dan tinggalkanku
ke matamu lihatlah diriku
aku pelangi yang dinanti

berharap bayangku pulang
nikmati tiada ku
ohh ooo...

ke matamu lihat diriku
aku pelangi yang dinanti
buka matamu
lihat diriku
aku pelangi...

Monday, February 1, 2010

...jangan bilang tidak...

ku pernah punya cinta (ehhh...tak pernah sebenarnye)

namun kini ku sedang suka kamu

cintaku dulu telah kubuang jauh (tak ade cinta dulu)

kini ku ingin kamu

ku pernah menyendiri 

di sini ku akan terasa sepi

walaupun bibir penuh gelak tawa 

namun hatiku sepi

jangan bilang tidak 

bila kita belum mencoba

siapa yang tahu akan sama 

hatimu dan juga hatiku

banyak yang bercinta 

bertahun-tahun putus juga

kuharapkan dengan dirimu 

walaupun singkat pendekatan

cinta kita kan abadi

ku pernah punya cinta  (tak ade ye)

namun kini ku sedang suka kamu

cintaku dulu telah kubuang jauh (betul2 tak ade OK)

 kini ku ingin kamu

jangan bilang tidak 

bila kita belum mencoba

siapa yang tahu akan sama 

hatimu dan juga hatiku

banyak yang bercinta 

bertahun-tahun putus juga

kuharapkan dengan dirimu 

walaupun singkat pendekatan

jangan bilang tidak 

waktu dicium aku bingung (oh...NO...haram nehh)

namun dada ini bergetar 

makanya sungguh aku mohon

jangan bilang tidak